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Program Recording

Post-Budget Legislative Update Program Recording

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In this program recording, Philanthropy Ohio and Byers, Minton & Associates walk you through the state's biennium budget (FY 2024-2025) and funding and policy implications of this significant piece of legislation. Learn how its passage impacts the areas of education, health, housing and the philanthropic sector.

Rural Equity Summit Program Recording

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Gain a deeper appreciation for how you can invest in community power building in Appalachia and gain insight into current trends from government leaders working to support the region in this program recording.

2023 Farm Bill Federal Legislative Update Recording and Resources

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Learn how the 2023 farm bill is constructed, the components that are debated and how the outcome will impact communities. The farm bill is a massive piece of legislation covering programs ranging from healthy food access for low-income families to sustainable farming practices. Hear updates from Ohio-based speakers about their advocacy efforts.