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Program Recording

Health Policy Table Recording – May 2024

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The May Health Policy Table launched our new advocacy work with presentations on the Health Policy Institute of Ohio's new health equity toolkit and the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services' priorities.

Nonprofit Finance Essentials Program Recording

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This webinar, presented by David Greco of Social Sector Partners, will help you analyze audits, IRS Form 990s and other financial documents to identify the key pieces of financial data you need to analyze the financial health of nonprofit organizations and make better grantmaking decisions

Improve Your Measurement Practices Program Recording

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This Midwest Series Corporate webinar helps you to ensure your grantmaking program's use of data reduces barriers and supports learning, decision-making and reporting. Learn how to define and measure impact in ways that align with business strategy, reduce inequitable measurement practices and fit funder and grantee time horizon.

Post-Budget Legislative Update Program Recording

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In this program recording, Philanthropy Ohio and Byers, Minton & Associates walk you through the state's biennium budget (FY 2024-2025) and funding and policy implications of this significant piece of legislation. Learn how its passage impacts the areas of education, health, housing and the philanthropic sector.