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Vote on Tuesday, August 8, in the special election for Issue 1

It was the consensus of the Philanthropy Ohio Board to oppose the passage of Issue 1. Of equal importance was the consensus of the Board that the members of Philanthropy Ohio be given the appropriate tools and information so that they and their community partners can make an informed decision on August 8.

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Dear Philanthropy Ohio members,

I am writing to share important and time-sensitive information with you as a Philanthropy Ohio member. In a few short weeks, Ohioans will vote in an August 8 special election, and the decision before voters is one of great importance. Issue 1 proposes significant changes to the requirements for a citizen-initiated petition to change the Ohio Constitution.

First and foremost, if passed, a simple majority would no longer constitute a win. Rather, a 60% majority would be needed to secure passage. Additionally, signatures would be required from all of Ohio's 88 counties rather than the current requirement of 44 counites. And finally, the cure period, typically a 10-day window following the submission of a petition when petitioners are permitted to remedy errors, would be eliminated. All in all, Issue 1 will make it much more difficult for citizens to amend the Ohio Constitution. Constitutional changes proposed by the legislature would not be held to the new standard.


statehouse ohio at night


Philanthropy Ohio's Board of Trustees met in late June to discuss Issue 1. It was the consensus of the Board to oppose the passage of Issue 1. Of equal importance was the consensus of the Board that the members of Philanthropy Ohio be given the appropriate tools and information so that they and their community partners can make an informed decision on August 8.

Please see this link for a one-pager comparing the proposed changes to the current requirements. Additionally, you can click here to find information on early voting. Please review these resources and share them with your community partners.

Regardless of your position, we encourage you to participate in this crucial election and vote on Tuesday, August 8.


Deborah Aubert Thomas
President & CEO
Philanthropy Ohio 



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