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Message from the Board Chair on behalf of the entire Board of Trustees

I’m writing to share that after serving our organization for nearly 10 years, Deborah Aubert Thomas, president and CEO of Philanthropy Ohio, will be moving on to a national leadership position. Her last day will be June 18, 2024.

headshot of steven moore

It is with a mix of emotions that I write to you today. I’m writing to share the news that Deborah Aubert Thomas, President & CEO of Philanthropy Ohio, after serving our organization for nearly 10 years, will be moving on to a national leadership position. She will become President & CEO of the United Philanthropy Forum.

Deborah first served as VP, Programs & Learning, for five years and then took the helm to lead Philanthropy Ohio in August 2019. Under her leadership, Philanthropy Ohio advanced our racial equity agenda, navigated serving members through the COVID-19 pandemic and reimagined our approach to public policy. These innovative approaches and other learnings, developed by her and her remarkable team at Philanthropy Ohio, will now have the chance to take root on a national stage. We are proud of her accomplishments and how she served the field in Ohio.

She shares that, “This transition is bittersweet for me as I so enjoy working with our amazing Philanthropy Ohio team, Board and committees. But I am excited to take my leadership and vision to lead, strengthen, inform, connect and mobilize a national network to advance philanthropy’s impact to strengthen people and communities across the country.” United Philanthropy Forum has an office in Washington, D.C., and has a remote team allowing Deborah to keep her feet on the ground here in Ohio while leading the network of nearly 100 regional and national philanthropy-serving organizations (PSOs), representing more than 7,000 funders, who work to use their voice and influence to help create vibrant, equitable communities.

Deborah’s last day will be June 18, and until then, she will be working with the staff and Board to ensure a smooth transition. Claudia Herrold, former Chief Communications and Public Policy Officer, will serve as part-time interim CEO during the transition and while the Board looks to the next chapter in leadership for Philanthropy Ohio.

Please join me and the Board as we proudly wish her well.

signature of steven moore

Steven Moore
Chair, Philanthropy Ohio Board of Trustees
Chief of Staff, The Columbus Foundation

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