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Philanthropy Ohio to convene funders and policymakers for Philanthropy at the Statehouse

On Tuesday, April 25, funders from across the state will gather in Columbus for a whole day dedicated to philanthropy at the Ohio Statehouse and the Athletic Club of Columbus.

headshot of jessica

On Tuesday, April 25, funders from across the state will gather in Columbus for a whole day dedicated to philanthropy at the Ohio Statehouse and the Athletic Club of Columbus. Philanthropy at the Statehouse will inform policymakers on the role of philanthropy in Ohio’s communities as well as issues important to the sector; educate funders about current policy deliberations at the state level and their impact; and share the story of philanthropy with elected officials.

Ohio Statehouse building with gray sky
Melody Stewart Headshot

Throughout the morning, funders will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with legislators and their staff and share their work. Over lunch at the Athletic Club of Columbus, Justice Melody Stewart, the first African American woman elected to the Ohio Supreme Court, will deliver the keynote address on her journey to Ohio's highest court, the importance of a strong and resilient civil society and the role we all play in stewarding our democracy.

In the afternoon, attendees will engage more deeply in public policy through two learning sessions. In honor of National Minority Health Month, the first session will focus on the importance of improving the health and well-being of racial and ethnic minorities in Ohio. The second session will examine the essential role that civil society plays in a democratic society and why we all must be stewards of democracy. The day will end with an evening reception at the Ohio Statehouse, where attendees will have another opportunity to connect with state legislators.

“This is a fantastic learning opportunity for members of all ranges of experience. Some funders that come will be very engaged in policy already. For others that attend, this might be the first time that they've ever stepped into advocacy, have been to the Ohio Statehouse or have spoken with Ohio legislators,” said Philanthropy Ohio Vice President of Public Policy Carrie Arblaster. “Our hope is that we're giving our funder members another skill they can realize through this membership organization to help them do their work even better.”

The cost to attend is $50, and the day’s programming runs from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Attendees are not required to participate in the morning meetings with legislators. Nonprofit grantees and Professional Partner members are welcome to register to attend the Philanthropy at the Statehouse afternoon programming from noon to 6 p.m., which includes the keynote lunch, learning sessions and the Legislative Reception at the Ohio Statehouse. The registration deadline is Friday, April 21. To register and learn more, please visit 

I hope to see you there!

Jessica Howard
Sr. Director, Communications & Marketing
Philanthropy Ohio



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