Claudia Y.W. Herrold
Interim President & CEO

Name: Claudia Herrold
Pronouns: she/hers
Title: Interim President & CEO
Phone: 614.224.1344 ext. 1315
Here’s what I can help you with:
- Advocating and championing philanthropy in Ohio
- Empowering change through advocacy, educating, convening and collaboration
- Connecting with colleagues and policymakers
What’s your role at Philanthropy Ohio?
As the Interim President & CEO, I provide strategic leadership to the staff and board while a search is undertaken. I assist the board in developing and implementing strategies to assure the sustainability of Philanthropy Ohio as it strives to fulfill its vision and mission and guide the staff in their efforts to empower more impactful philanthropy.
What’s the best part about your job?
Working with a terrific, committed board, staff and members focused on being effective partners for change in their communities.
When did you start work at Philanthropy Ohio?
I started work in 1998 as the director of private & family foundations and external relations.
Career background/education?
I earned my Bachelor of Arts from the George Washington University and my Master of Arts from the University of Michigan, both in political science.
Current city, and what do you like about it?
I grew up in Columbus and have lived in one of its suburbs, Upper Arlington, since 1979. I love that our home is close to libraries, great schools, some green space and parks.
What’s something people might not know about you?
I’ve read every Pulitzer Prize fiction winner since the prize was awarded in 1918.
What do you do outside of work?
I have more hobbies than I have time for, I love to knit, do needlepoint, read, travel, bake and, best of all, spend time with our six grandkids.